Heroes of Hope
Become a Hero for Children Fighting Childhood Cancer
Heroes of Hope are members of a special giving circle who play a critical role in supporting children and their families in the fight against childhood cancer. They stand hand-in-hand with all of us at Sofia's Hope and work towards our mission to bring awareness and education that children die every day waiting for promising treatments, fund research as it relates to long-term effects (including prevention, detection and treatment), and provide patient and family programs that enhance the quality of life of children in the battle TODAY.
With a monthly gift of only $10 or more, Heroes of Hope support Sofia’s Hope and all of our work, making a difference year-round.
$10 – A month means a family can receive a Newly Diagnosed Family Kit
$30 – A quarter helps pay for 2 hours of Art Therapy at a hospital or clinic
$100 – One time provides child Adopt-an-Animal crate with stuffed animal, adoption certificate and free family membership to Zoo Miami
Please click button below and make your commitment to help fight childhood cancer with HOPE!
Why Others Became Heroes of Hope
"There are two reasons I make a monthly donation to Sofia's Hope. One is that I believe in the cause and can give a larger gift by spreading it out over 12 months. The other is that every month, I think of Sofia and hold her family in my heart." - Patti

“We contribute because Sofia's Hope makes meaningful investments towards the treatment and awareness of childhood cancer. Their focus on funding research to treat childhood cancer patients with medications that cause minimal side-effects is so incredibly important.” - Carbonell Family
"I've been a donor to Sofia's Hope since I graduated college and started receiving a steady paycheck. I made it recurring because I knew that if I didn't make it a

part of my budget I'd always find an excuse to put it off. And the way I see it, Sofia never gave-up on living a full life regardless of her illnesses so this is my way of keeping that legacy alive." - Anthony

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